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• 2010.05.13. 08:30

The Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) kindly invites You to the following event on May 14, 9.00 a.m. entitled:


‘Inclusion completed, adaptation successful? - What divides new and old members in the European Union, 6 years on?’


Venue: Central European University (1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 9.), Auditorium
Date: 14 May 2010 (Friday), 9.00am – 18.00pm
Welcome speech          Heinz Albert Huthmacher, FES Budapest;
                                       John Shattuck
, CEU, President and Rector
Keynote Speaker          Péter Balázs, Foreign Minister, Hungary
Panel I - Approaching the 7 year itch - Expectations and explanations: What do old and new members think about each other?
Thomas Christiansen, Associate Professor, EIPA;
Enikő Győri
, MEP, Group of the European People's Party; 
Peter Weiss, Ambassador of Slovakia to Hungary;
Kai-Olaf Lang
, Research Fellow, SWP
Panel II - Changing Brussels’ chemistry – new members, new agendas, new reactions?
Thomas König, Department of Political Science, University of Mannheim; 
Piotr Maciej Kaczyński
, Center for European Policy Studies, Brussels;
Tamás Szűcs, Head of EU Delegation in Hungary;
Sabina Kajnč, Lecturer, EIPA
Panel III - Development and catching up: is the periphery integrated?
Marek Dąbrowski, CASE, Poland;
Ádám Török
, Professor of Economics, University of Pannonia and BME;
Lothar Funk
, Fachhochschule, Düsseldorf;
Julius Horvath, CEU, Department of Economics
Panel IV - A new leviathan, a heartless compromise, a remote bureaucracy? – Differences in ‘euroscepticism’ in new and old member states
Leonard F. M. Besselink, Faculty of Law, University of Utrecht;
Vit Benes
, IIR, Czech Republic;
István Hegedűs
, Hungarian Europe Society;
Nick Sitter, CEU, Department of Public Policy 


Closing speech                        Tibor Kiss, State Secretary, Foreign Ministry, Hungary
Please find further details at the following link:
Registration starts at 8.30.
Registration: Zselyke Tófalvi, Tel.:+36 1 327-3000/2391, e-mail:

 Frissítés: a konferenciáról angol nyelvű beszámoló érhető el itt. [május 17.]

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